Hello to everyone who wants to live in a better world.This is a blog where you can see how our earthship will be build (not started yet).Everyone interested in this subject please contact me, we will need all suport we can get :)
We hope that we will be an example for people...yes, when everything seems imposible, we will prove it posible

miercuri, 4 martie 2009

Good news!!!

Best of the news!!! We have the papers ready for the land...now we can proceed with the authorisation for the Earthship!

9 comentarii:

  1. Excelent!! Deci pana la urma te-ai pus pe construit earthshipuri in Ro, Irina! E o super veste, abia astept sa vad cum va decurge tot proiectul.
    Multa bafta si incredere!

  2. v-a iesit autorizatia de construire? eu abia acuma am dat de voi..DAN Zalau

  3. Buna Irina, am dat de blog-tau pe google si mi se foarta curjoasa initiativa voastra de a construi un earthship, avand in vedere birocratia de la noi.

    Ar fi fantastic daca ati putea posta experientele voastre legate de procesul de autorizare ca referinta pentru cei interesati de construirea unor astfel de cladiri.

  4. Buna Irina. Congragulations on the initiative to build one of these in Ro!!! I'm currently studying in Cluj (sustainable development) and plan to build one in 2 years...please let me know how approvals go with the authorities bc I'm very curious! Your last post was a while ago, what's been happening?? I would love to hear more about your project if you find the time to send me an email :)
    Best of luck,

  5. Buna... as dori sa stiu daca ati gasit cauciucuri uzate la noi si in ce conditii. Deasemenea sunt si eu curios cu privire la aprobari...

  6. Salut!
    Acum am dat de blogul tau si subscriu la cele de mai sus. Mi-ar placea foarte tare sa stiu daca ai reusit sa treci de etapa de aprobare.

  7. Buna Irina!

    Sunt curios de evolutia acestui proiect.

    Am sa te rog sa ma contactezi prin intermediul www.earthship.ro si poate vom reusi sa incepem inchegarea unei comunitati Earthship si aici in Romania.

  8. Buna

    Ai terminat constructia casei? Ne poti da detalii?

  9. Oameni buni,daca nu raspundeti si nu mai faceti nimic pe bogul asta, inchideti-l!




Bottles and cans

Bottles and cans